The Stairway To Freedom – WMA Audio Format

On this page you can download chapters of the audio book as you need.WMA Icon

Please note that Wikipedia states the following definition for WMA File Formats:

Windows Media Audio (WMA) is the name of a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio coding formats developed by Microsoft. It is a proprietary technology that forms part of the Windows Media framework. WMA consists of four distinct codecs. The original WMA codec, known simply as WMA, was conceived as a competitor to the popular MP3 and RealAudio codecs.”

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WMA File - PREFACE 14.41 MB 432 downloads


WMA File - Prayers 7.01 MB 464 downloads


WMA File - FOREWORD 18.58 MB 433 downloads


WMA File - CHAPTER 4 - APPEARANCES 14.90 MB 436 downloads


WMA File - CHAPTER 7 - AURAS 158.31 MB 489 downloads
