Welcome To The Stairway To Freedom
IMPORTANT NOTICE: A new site has been created that now includes all the Lessons, Video and other pages that were once located on this site. Please visit: https://www.thegreatwhitebrotherhood.org to learn more about our new site.
For those students who are serious about advancing their esoteric knowledge, please read the important lessons at this link: Cautions & Preparations for the Student Seeking Spiritual Improvement
We are in the process of publishing all the GWB lessons – in audio format – to a new GWB YouTube Channel. This new channel is separate from Bob Sanders YouTube Channel and is meant to publish lessons and books from the GWB. Please visit our new YouTube Channel and watch the videos of the below lessons as they are created and published:
The Great White Brotherhood – YouTube
Please note, that The Stairway To Freedom Book is now available on Amazon to purchase as a professionally printed paperback for those who would like to have a printed version of the book instead of only an e-book. Please click this link to find out more. This book will always be free to download, on this site and on Amazon or other book retailers, but for those who would like, or prefer a professionally printed version, it can be found at Amazon for purchase. Please note that we do not make any royalties from the sale of the book, the price listed is the lowest price that can be set for sale by Amazon so the book can be printed and shipped.
This book, which is available, for free, was dictated from the spirit world and is a complete primer of esoteric knowledge covering virtually every aspect of a human being’s development whilst here in incarnation and also will see him through his life in the spiritual realms as he progresses towards God.
It covers a large gamut of seemingly unrelated topics covering:
- Sexuality,
- The birth process,
- How life develops and is controlled by archangels,
- What is God and what God’s Power is,
- What our auras are,
- How we can develop spirituality,
- Diet,
- Organising one’s daily routine and a host of other topics.
The book cleverly weaves all these, apparently, disparate elements into a cohesive whole so that the student can have a firm grasp on the way that life operates whilst incarnate here on Earth and will help guide him through that life, and also what awaits him when this incarnation is finished and he returns to his true home, the spirit realms.
There are also a couple of prayers that were dictated from the spirit world, some guided meditations and, lastly, a number of questions and answers that were asked of the Brotherhood on a variety of topics.
Although it is a book on spirituality, it offers a lot of practical information relevant to the problems that people face in their daily lives. The Brotherhood all had incarnations here on Earth at some stage and so have first hand knowledge of the difficulties that we face. It is not a remote, academic book just dealing with what is God. It is written in simple, if precise, language and all people will find that they can connect to the information presented in the various chapters.
As a last point, a great deal of love was put in by the Great White Brotherhood to give us this book and a great deal of hard work was put in by various people to present this to you.
It is hoped that the information will change your life.
The book ‘STAIRWAY TO FREEDOM‘ was dictated by telepathy / channelling / clairaudience by a group living in the spiritual planes called ‘THE GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD‘.
It is a book to guide the spiritual development of all people.
Please choose how you would like to read The Stairway To Freedom by clicking on an image. You can view the book by either downloading the book, reading online or watching the audio only videos with the text of the audio transcribed below the video player.
This book is free to everyone, please share with whomever you like.
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Thank you for visiting and if you have any questions please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.